Dawn of Shekhinah

EFT Sessions

The 'Emotional Freedom Technique' or EFT .... is a powerful Mind/Body tool, & is one of the simplest & fastest ways to release & heal any kind of personal trauma, whether it's a recent experience or from early childhood.

EFT quickly clears physical & emotional contraction/resistance from your Energy System, by simply setting an intention & then tapping on specific acupuncture points on your face & upper body using your own fingers.

It is:

~ Very Easy to Learn & Apply ~

~ Non-Invasive ~

~ Gentle ~

~ Compassionate & Accepting ~

EFT was first developed as a Self-Help Tool, and can be taught to both adults & children, however you can go into much deeper layers of the sub-conscious wounds with the assistance & support of a therapist.

A Gifted EFT Meditation to clear Anxiety, Stress & Overwhelm

How does EFT work ?

EFT has the effect of calming the Amygdala .... which are primitive parts of the Brain's Limbic System, which hold our fear based patterns & fight-fight-freeze responses.

The Amygdala can't distinguish between a memory of a stressful past event (triggered by an emotion) or an event actually happening in the present moment.

Just thinking about a traumatic, painful event from the past, can trigger the Amygdalas' fight-flight-freeze stress response ... putting your body into a survival state of high alert which may be inappropriate for the actual present day situation. You can make quick survival decisions but your higher thought processes of creativity & rationality are not accessible in this state.

The process of EFT tapping basically stimulates the brain's own pain relief system, sending a message to the Amygdala that the memory, thought or emotion is non-threatening. It interupts the stress response and re-educates the Amygdala about the 'meaning' that has been associated with the past experience. The memory of the experience then moves to another part of the brain, where it can still be accessed but no longer carries an intense emotional charge associated with it.

Scientific studies have shown that EFT can quickly create a significant reduction in Cortisol levels in the body ... Cortisol being the bodies biomechanical marker for stress.


" I was amazed at how effective the EFT Sessions were, especially since I'd previously tried EFT Sessions with another practitioner and got very little out of them. With Senaa it was incredibly powerful right from the very first Session. A lot of crying & also relief, which was a big surprise to me, as I'd really not expected it to do much, but trusted Senaa that she knew what I needed at that time. I absolutely recommend Senaa's EFT Sessions, they changed my whole outlook! " .... Anon, Cork, Ireland

What to Expect in a Session ?

~ An initial consultation for you to share the issue in your Life which is presently causing you distress or pain

~ You will then be taught specific places on your face & upper body, which relates to the EFT tapping points which we will use in the Session

~ I will then ask you to repeat back to me certain phrases & sentences which you have previously shared in the intial consultation .... while simultaneously guiding you to tap on the specific EFT points in a sequence.

~ Very often you will feel an energetic release .... this can be experienced through tears, yawning, burping, coughing, laughing etc .... as the stuck energy gets safely & gently released from the bodies energy system.

~ Sometimes when your Soul is ready, deeper sub-conscious memories associated with the original core wound of the trauma can also surface to be gently & safely released.

~ You will also have learned this easy, safe & powerful tool which you can then use as a Self-help technique, at any time you feel emotionally triggered in your everyday Life experiences.

EFT Session (2 Hours Duration) ~ Investment €142


2 X Two Hour Sessions €274

3 X Two Hour Sessions €394

4 X Two Hour Sessions €520

6 X Two Hour Sessions €781

8 X Two Hour Sessions €985

(All Sessions Offered Online Via Zoom)

Please note:

There is a distinction between “healing” described above and the practice of medicine, psychology, or any other licensed health care practice. Participating in 'Divine Healing Master Key Sessions' is not a substitute for seeking professional healthcare diagnosis or treatment.

Time to Shine your BeYouToFul Self

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