Dawn of Shekhinah

Healing the Witch Wound

Divine Healing Group Series

No Dates Currently Scheduled

Session 1 :

Session 2 :

Session 3 :

Session 4 :

Times for Each Session:

3 pm - 5.30 pm Irish/UK Time

4 pm - 6.30 pm European CET

10am - 12.30 pm US Eastern

9am - 11.30 am US Central

This Series will be Facilitated Online via Zoom

Do you ever feel like there's something that you are meant to do with your Life, but you always feel blocked from taking the necessary steps needed to fulfil this ?

Maybe you have some awareness that in a previous Life-time you were a, .....

Wise Woman / Witch / Wizard / Mystic / Seer / Healer / Spiritual Leader / Shaman / Herbalist / Druid / Indigenous Elder etc ?

On some level, are you afraid that by following your Spiritual Path, it could mean that you will be putting yourself at some great risk ?

If so, it is possible that you might be holding 'Persecution Wounds' from Past-Lifes &/or Ancestral Bloodlines, which are still greatly impacting your ability to embrace your Gifts, & expand into your full expression & potential !!!

Maybe there were 'Vows' taken in other Life experiences, which were necessary & applicable at that time, but are no longer valid & they are still having a major negative impact on your current Life situation eg, 'Vows of Poverty', 'Vows of Silence', 'Vows of Loyalty', 'Vows of Celibacy', 'Vows of Secrecy', 'Vows of Suffering', 'Vows of Sacrifice', 'Vows of Obedience' etc, etc ?

In my own personal journey to become a 'Divine Healing Level 5 Practitioner', I discovered many significant Past Lives where there were persecution wounds which my Soul carried forward into this Lifetime. They had a very detrimental impact, causing me to procrastinate, Self-sabotage, hide away & ultimately were holding me back from stepping into my own full potential!

When these wounds & traumas surfaced in my personal 'Divine Healing Sessions', I was able to transmute & heal them at their root & break any associated vows which I had made, which were no longer valid. Naturally with the removal of these obstacles & blocks from my subconscious, I am now much more able to embrace & impliment all the fantastic opportunities which Life presents me.

In this 'Divine Healing Group Series' ...

~ Healing the Witch Wound ~

.... we will be holding the collective intention to uncover any relevent & significant trauma, fears, persecution wounds & vows from your Past Lives & Ancestral Bloodlines, which are creating a negative impact on your current Life situation & are ultimately holding you back from embracing your full potential & Purpose.

Divine Healing Master Key .... is a powerful healing system which enables the quick & effective identification & clearing of core wounds & negative patterns & thereby frees up your Life-force energy to promote better health, connection to the flow of Life & enhanced well-being on every level of experience.

I work with a 'Healing Team' of Light Beings, Angels, Ascended Masters & Psychic Surgeons in the Higher Dimensions, who assist me to uncover any contracted wounds & energetic blocks within your physical body & subtle layers of your energy field, which may be creating various Life struggles, anxiety/stress, physical issues, emotional distress or dis-ease in any way, shape or form.

Using a range of very Detailed Charts, I am quickly guided to the root cause of your issue/s & with the use of powerful 'Command Codes' my Healing Team will subsequently transmute & clear any contracted patterning using High Frequency Energetic Transmissions, which rebalance your system, reprogram your subconscious mind & align you with your Highest intentions. As you open more to your inner Divine Flow of Life Force Energy, you will then have greater access to experience Life in a much more expanded, vibrant & Heart-centred way.

I will be mainly working with specific charts which identify, transmute & clear the subconscious programs, beliefs, fears & behaviours related to Past Lives & Ancestral Programming, including charts titled ...

'Past Life Deaths'

'Undoing Religious Programming'

'Roles & Identities from Past Lives'

'You Can Free Yourself'

'Past Life & Ancestral Sexual Traumas'

In each Session, every participant will receive a group 'Trauma & Shock Healing' for whatever wounds surface, which will thereby transmute & clear these Past Life memories & Ancestral traumas from your physicality & consciousness.

Then we will work with carefully selected 'Expansion Charts' which reprogramme your subconscious to activate the skills, gifts & talents which you naturally hold in your DNA , your Bloodline & from your other Soul experiences.

Procedure for Group Divine Healing Sessions

~ Prepare a Safe, Private & Comfortable Space where you can either lie down flat or recline back in a chair

~ You need to be close enough to your laptop/device so that we can see & hear each other clearly

~ Have a blanket, glass of water & tissues at hand

~ It is a requirement that all participants have their videos turned on, so that I can monitor you during the Sessions

~ Your sound will be on mute during the Healing part of the Sessions

~ I will be guiding you by sharing information throughout the process

~ I will also bring through High Frequency Energy & will be saying Command Codes to my Healing Team in the Higher Dimensions to assist the Energy Healing process.

~ Your part is simply to relax & receive the Healing Energy & to become aware of the shifts which are happening in your body during the group process.


Package of Four Sessions €160

Please note:

There is a distinction between “healing” described above and the practice of medicine, psychology, or any other licensed health care practice. Participating in 'Divine Healing Master Key Sessions' is not a substitute for seeking professional healthcare diagnosis or treatment.

Group Divine Healing Testimonials:

"I am currently taking part in 'Healing the Witch Wound Series' with the Jewelweed Community. It is so deeply beautiful and in the first session so much healing and discovery. If you feel called to this healing I encourage you to answer the call. I’m so grateful I did. Thank you Senaa for your gift of healing and all the ways you share this extraordinary gift with us and in the world." ~ Participant, US

" I wanted to thank you for the wonderful work you did with us in the last series. I found the Group Sessions to be hugely supportive on many levels. They have given me insights which help to understand my underlying fears and have provided me with the space & tools to embrace these fears with Love & compassion. Working with you continues to be deeply transformative & healing, and I am so grateful for the gift of your presence in my Life." .... Participant, Germany

'' Thank you !!! That was amazing - buzzing once again. I didn't know how it'd be online but I honestly felt it even more than the in-person group Session.'' ..... Participant, US

'' 'Divine Healing Group Sessions' have been sooo supportive & healing for me these past few months. I Love how consistent they are & how safe I feel within the group healing. Senaa holds such a safe container to be you with all your ups & downs, no judgement, just pure presence & compassion. It's lovely to be part of a group & to feel held with what you are going through on your journey. It's been such an anchor for me & I'm sooo grateful to experience such profound shifts in my Life.'' ....... Participant, Ireland

'' I find Senaa's Group Divine Healing Sessions incredibly powerful, & there is a wonderful feeling of togetherness being part of a group, a shared experience with other souls all trying to raise their vibration. I feel safe & nurtured in this space, & everything that's shared from the charts resonates with me, as I'm sure it does with all the other participants too. Senaa is conscientious & loving, & has such a wealth of knowledge & techniques she can call on to make each Session very profound.'' ... Participant, Ireland

'' Senaa, thank you so much for yesterday's work ... always a rich experience to work with you. Thank you for sharing your healing gifts. '' .... Participant, US

'' Wow ... what an incredible Group Session yesterday, thank you !'' ... Participant, Ireland

Time to Shine your BeYouToFul Self

Dawn of Shekhinah 2014 All Rights Reserved